Research interests
Although faculty members conduct research in a wide variety of fields, the Department of Biological Sciences gives priority to 5 themes:
Ecosystems response to change
Plant signalling and reproduction
Animal adaptation and physiology
Origin, structure and maintenance of biodiversity
Environmental microbiology
All expertises
- Abiotic stress 1
- Actin 1
- Adaptation 3
- Adaptive physiology 1
- Adult brain plasticity 1
- Agroecosystems 2
- Agroforestry 1
- Animal models 1
- Animal personality 1
- Aquatic carbon cycle 3
- Aquatic ecology 10
- Aquatic ecotoxicology 2
- Aquatic plants 3
- Arctic 3
- Arsenic 1
- Asexuality 1
- Asteraceae 1
- Atlantic world 1
- Australia 1
- Auto-incompatibility 1
- Bacteria 7
- Behavioural ecology 3
- Behavioural flexibility 1
- Benthic invertebrates 1
- Beta diversity 1
- Bio-ethanol 1
- Bioaccessibility 1
- Bioaccumulation 1
- Bioaccumulation of metals 1
- Bioamplification 1
- Bioavailability 1
- Biocontrol 1
- Biodiversity 24
- Biodiversity informatics 2
- Bioenergetic modelling 1
- Biofertilization 1
- Biogeochemistry 2
- Biogeography 7
- Bioindicators 1
- Bioinformatics 8
- Biological control 4
- Biological indicators 1
- Bioluminescence 2
- Biomarkers 1
- Biomass production 4
- Biomechanics 2
- Biophysical modelling 3
- Biophysics 2
- Bioproducts 1
- Bioremediation 3
- Biostatistics 3
- Biotechnology 1
- Bivalves 1
- Broad-scale limnology 1
- Brownfields 1
- Caesalpinioideae 1
- Canada 3
- Canadian flora 2
- Carbon 2
- Carbon metabolism 1
- Carbon storage 2
- Cell culture 3
- Cell division cycle 1
- Cell growth 2
- Cell physiology 1
- Cell signalling 1
- Cell wall 1
- Cellular biology 4
- Cellular Division 1
- Cellulose 1
- Cerebral plasticity 1
- China 1
- Chloroplast sequences 2
- Choreogenetics 1
- Chromatography 1
- Chronobiology 1
- Chrosomus eos-neogaeus 1
- Circadian rhythms 1
- Climatic changes 11
- Coding of visual messages 1
- Coévolution 3
- Common reeds 1
- Community assembly 3
- Community ecology 9
- Comparative genomics 4
- Comparative morphology 1
- Comparative physiology 1
- Competition 2
- Comportement animal 3
- Computational ecology 1
- Computational fluid dynamics 1
- Confocal microscopy 4
- Conservation 5
- Constitution of neuronal networks 1
- Contaminants 3
- Cooperation 2
- Costa Rica 1
- Cumulative impacts 2
- Cyanobacteria 8
- Cybrids 2
- Cytomechanics 1
- Cytoskeleton 1
- Ecological networks 6
- Ecological restoration 3
- Ecological services 1
- Ecological statistics 2
- Ecology 14
- Ecophysiological markers 1
- Ecosystem 7
- Ecosystem dynamics 3
- Ecosystemic optimization 1
- Ecotoxicology 3
- Electron microscopy 3
- Electrophysiological functions 1
- Endocytosis 2
- Endophytes 1
- Entomology 3
- Environmental modelling 3
- Environmental stress 4
- Enzymology 1
- Epigenetics 2
- Estuaries 1
- Eutrophication 1
- Evolution 12
- Evolutionary physiology 1
- Exocytosis 2
- Filter marshes 1
- Finite elements 1
- Floristics 2
- Flow management 1
- Fluid biomechanics 1
- Fluorescence 2
- Fluorescent labelling 1
- Fluvial ecology 1
- Forest development 1
- Forest disturbances 3
- Forest ecology 7
- Forest restoration 3
- Forest succession 1
- Frequency-dependent selection 1
- Functional ecology 5
- Fungal spores 2
- Imitation 1
- Impact studies 1
- In vitro culture 2
- Incompatibility barriers 1
- Insect biodiversity 3
- Insect epidemics 1
- Insect systematics 1
- Insects 4
- Interaction networks 2
- Interactions biotiques 2
- Intergenomic conflicts 1
- Interspecific barriers 1
- Intracellular transport 2
- Intraspecies barriers 1
- Invasive plants 2
- Invasive species 1
- Invertebrates 1
- Iron 1
- Madagascar 1
- Mammalogy 1
- Mammals 2
- Marine biology 6
- Marsupials 2
- Mate choice 1
- Mercury 1
- Mesohabitats 1
- Metabolic adaptation 2
- Metabolic flux 2
- Metals 3
- Metatranscriptomics 1
- Methylome 1
- Microbial ecology 8
- Microbial soil ecology 3
- Microtubules 1
- Mineral nutrition 1
- Mitochondria 1
- Mitochondrial DNA 2
- Mitochondrial introgression 1
- Mitochondrial-nuclear interactions 2
- Model Building 5
- Molecular biology 10
- Molecular ecology 4
- Molecular evolution 3
- Molecular Genetics 3
- Molecular systematics 2
- Monogamy 1
- Morphology 4
- Motoneurons 2
- Motor development 2
- Motor systems 2
- Multivariate statistical analysis 3
- Mutants 1
- Mycologie 3
- Mycorrhizae 2
- Mycorrhizal fungi 4
- Mycorrhizal symbiosis 3
- Oceanography 3
- Opossums 2
- Optical microscopy 4
- Ovule 1
- Paleoecology 1
- Paleontology 1
- Panama 1
- Parasitism 3
- Parasitism 1
- Parasitoids 1
- Peat bogs 1
- Pectin 1
- Phenotypic variation 1
- Phenotypical plasticity 1
- Phosphate 1
- Phosphorus 3
- Phosphorylation 3
- Photochemistry 1
- Photosynthesis 1
- Phoxinus eos-neogaeus 1
- Phylogenetic analysis 3
- Phylogenetics 8
- Phylogenomics 3
- Phylogeny of Asteraceae 1
- Phylogeography 2
- Phytochemistry 2
- Phytoremediation 2
- Phytotechnology 6
- Plankton 3
- Plankton ecology 2
- Plant biochemistry 4
- Plant biochemistry 1
- Plant biodiversity 6
- Plant cells 6
- Plant conservation 4
- Plant control 1
- Plant dynamics 1
- Plant ecology 3
- Plant physiology 2
- Plant reproduction 6
- Plant systematics 2
- Plant taxonomy 2
- Plant-herbivore relationships 1
- Plant-soil interactions 4
- Plantation 1
- Plants 12
- Pollen 3
- Pollen tubes 3
- Pollution 6
- Polyploidy 2
- Poplars 1
- Population dynamics 1
- Population genetics 10
- Populations 1
- Productive capacity 1
- Protein interactions 1
- Protein kinase 2
- Protein trafficking 1
- Proteins 1
- Proteome 1
- Proteomics 2
- Pyrosequencing 2
- Rare plants 2
- Reciprocal altruism 1
- Research-creation 1
- Respiration 2
- Restoration 3
- Reticulate evolution 2
- Rhizosphere 2
- Rivers 5
- Roots 3
- Rosa 1
- S-RNase 1
- Saint-Laurent 2
- Salix 1
- Scientific calculation 1
- Selenium 1
- Sensory systems 3
- Sexual reproduction 3
- Signalling 1
- Size structure 1
- Snow 1
- Social foraging 1
- Social learning 1
- Soil contamination 3
- Soil ecology 4
- Soil fertility 2
- Soil metagenomics 2
- Soil microbiology 3
- Soils 3
- South Korea 1
- Spatial analysis 4
- Spatial distribution 2
- Spatial eigenvector maos 1
- Spatial heterogeneity 2
- Spatial simulation 1
- Speciation 1
- Spinal cord 2
- Spontaneous activity 2
- St. Lawrence River 4
- Stress 1
- Surgical embryology 1
- Sustainable agriculture 3
- Sustainable Development 5
- Symbiosis 4
- Synchronization of nerve pulses 1
- Systematics 1
- Water quality 10
- Wetlands 2
- Wildlands 1
- Willows 2