Experts in: Evolution
BINNING, Sandra Ann
Professeure agrégée
- Aquatic ecology
- Environmental stress
- Volutionary ecology
- Morphology
- Evolution
- Marine biology
- Parasitism
- Parasitism
I am generally interested in how fish (and sometimes other aquatic organisms) are affected by different environmental stressors. These stressors include things like low oxygen, parasites, waves and fluctuating water flow, high salinity, etc. I try to figure out what effects these stressors have on populations of fishes in terms of their morphology, physiology and behaviour. I am especially interested in variation within species (intraspecific differences) along natural environmental gradients.
BRETON, Sophie
Professeure titulaire
BRODEUR, Jacques
Professeur titulaire
CAMERON, Christopher B.
Professeur titulaire
Directeur de la Station de biologie des Laurentides, Professeur agrégé
GAZDA, Malgorzata Anna
Professeure adjointe
JOLY, Simon
Professeur associé
LAPOINTE, François-Joseph
Professeur titulaire
- Multivariate statistical analysis
- Biodiversity
- Bioinformatics
- Biostatistics
- Choreogenetics
- Conservation
- Genetic diversity
- Molecular ecology
- Evolution
- Reticulate evolution
- Population genetics
- Herpetology
- Hybridization
- Hybrids
- Mammalogy
- Phylogenetics
- Phylogenomics
- Phylogeography
- Molecular systematics
- Horizontal transfer
- Research-creation
Professeur titulaire
ORKIN, Joseph
Professeur adjoint
- Population genetics
- Bioinformatics
- Landscape genomics
- Primatology
- Comparative genomics
- Molecular ecology
- Microbial ecology
- Biodiversity conservation
- Adaptation
- Evolution
- Biodiversity
- China
- Madagascar
- Costa Rica
To learn more about my research group, please visit the lab website
If you would like to join our group, please fill out our lab interest form
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My lab uses molecular tools–genomics, metagenomics, and proteomics–to answer anthropological questions.
Molecular primatology
- Primate adaptation to changing and hostile environments
- Population genomics of free-ranging primates
- Primate gut microbial ecology
Anthropology of fermented and preserved foods
- Microbial ecology of food fermentation
- Biocultural interaction of humans and the foods we produce
Development of new methods for non-invasive molecular ecology
- fecalFACS
- Scat detection dogs