Experts in: Comparative genomics
BRETON, Sophie
Professeure titulaire
GAZDA, Malgorzata Anna
Professeure adjointe
ORKIN, Joseph
Professeur adjoint
- Population genetics
- Bioinformatics
- Landscape genomics
- Primatology
- Comparative genomics
- Molecular ecology
- Microbial ecology
- Biodiversity conservation
- Adaptation
- Evolution
- Biodiversity
- China
- Madagascar
- Costa Rica
To learn more about my research group, please visit the lab website
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My lab uses molecular tools–genomics, metagenomics, and proteomics–to answer anthropological questions.
Molecular primatology
- Primate adaptation to changing and hostile environments
- Population genomics of free-ranging primates
- Primate gut microbial ecology
Anthropology of fermented and preserved foods
- Microbial ecology of food fermentation
- Biocultural interaction of humans and the foods we produce
Development of new methods for non-invasive molecular ecology
- fecalFACS
- Scat detection dogs