Physiology in the Anthropocene: insights from intraspecific variation in response to environmental stressors

In this talk, I will discuss some of the recent work of my research group examining responses to environmental stressors at levels of biological organization ranging from the genome and the epigenome to the transcriptome to cellular processes and whole-organism physiology to illustrate how environmental change at various time scales can shape the responses of organisms to environmental stressors. By probing the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying responses to environmental change, this work demonstrates how understanding processes operating at each level of biological organization enriches our understanding of processes at adjacent levels, allowing more nuanced predictions of how organisms respond to environmental stressors.
Emplacement : A-1502.1 Amphithéâtre, SUIVI D’UN COCKTAIL AU B-1007, Complexe des sciences, Campus MIL 1375 Avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux, métro Acadie